I made one for my cousin's birthday yesterday but I tweeked this one a little.
Cut a piece of cardboard a little smaller than the paper since it will be inside the sewed pieces.
Sew the velcro on the main fabric and the lining material where you marked earlier.
Place the fabrics right side together with the velcro ends opposite each other and sew 3 sides closed.
Turn the piece right side out and place the cardboard inside (which sounds easier than it was!) be sure it's snug since it won't look too great if it's baggy.
Fold the top edge in and sew closed.
Sew the triangles together, leaving an opening at the top to turn them right side out.
Turn right side out and fold the top in and sew closed
Placing the tip of the triangle in the corner of the bottom of the organizer, sew up the side (that is a little hard to explain but hopefully the photo helps)
Fold the organizer and sew up the other side of the triangle (this was a little tough with the cardboard)
Here is the finished side:
I made a template with printer paper for cards to put inside to organize the coupons then I traced them onto a file folder I had and cut them out (I only made 6 dividers since that was what fit onto the folder)
Here is the finished organizer!
With the dividers:
And again:
I hope my friend likes it!
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Great tutorial! You have inspired me to redo my coupon organizer. :)
Geat tutorial. You went to a lot of effort. Thank you for the inspiration!