Monday, December 27, 2010

Memory Quilts

My grandma passed away a year ago this December, so I talked to my aunt about using her sweat shirts to make her children memory quilts. She helped me get them ready and cut into squares and I made 5 quilts for Christmas presents. I am very proud of them, since they are the first real quilts I have ever made (I have done rag time ones, but these are my first that had to actually line up) I even hand sewed the binding on the back of the quilts, so that was another first. Here they are:

I made tags for the back of each quilt:
I used flannel sheets my aunt gave me for the backing of the quilts, so that made it a lot more cost effective
I think they turned out well and everyone seemed to really appreciate them.

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Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Teacher Gifts

I finished my son's teachers gifts yesterday and thought I would share. I got the idea somewhere a while back but I don't remember where (sorry). Anyway, I got the glass at Hobby Lobby several months ago and just etched my son's teacher's names and an apple, then added candy and a ribbon. Quick, cheap and easy!!

I also made a glass mug for his play teacher/director.
Teacher gifts:
A little better view of the etching:

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Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Gift Exchange

In November I signed up to do a homemade gift exchange and I have been excited to share what I made, but wanted to be sure my exchange partner got the gift before I blabbed about it on here! So, now that I know- here is what I made for my partner!

My favorite is the pin cushion/thread holder. I am dying to have one of these, but just haven't had time! I have huge huge HUGE projects going on for Christmas!

I added velcro so that it was easily emptied without accidentally dumping your pins in the trash.

Then I made pot holders

And a personalized casserole dish. I love these- they make great gifts!!

Here is another view of the dish:

All wrapped up and ready to go! I also added a camera strap at the last minute because I've had it here and figured someone should use it! I made several and haven't done a thing with them!

I had a great time with this. It was super fun making stuff. I think that next year the Christmas in July exchange would be better in terms of scheduling though- I have soooo much going on!
Only 10 days! :) :) :)

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Monday, November 22, 2010


Hi, everyone (which is probably no one at this point). My aunt has requested that I update my followers as to why I haven't been blogging! I have been hard at work making Christmas presents, so although I've been crafting (and sewing) away I can't post anything because my family would see their presents before Christmas! So I apologize, and please know that after Christmas I'll have LOTS to post about what I've been up to!

I'll try to post some Thanksgiving stuff, but working full time and doing my *huge* Christmas projects is taking a lot of time. Thanks for checking in!

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Thursday, October 21, 2010

Fall, Halloween, Costume...

Well, it's been forever again... work has me so busy that at the end of the day I really don't want to even get online. But I've been meaning to post this stuff. Here are the fall/Halloween decorations around our house. The dining room table:
Above the TV armoire:
These are the ghosts my son and I made last year with tomato cages, sheets, felt and lights:

Our unlit ghosts:
I made these pumpkins last year too. They are glass/mason jars with tissue paper modpodged on them. I found them at the first blog I ever followed, Not So Idle Hands.

Then most of my time has been devoted to my son's Halloween costume. I think it turned out pretty cute! He won a contest we went to Tuesday.
Side view:

And it's even cuter with his adorable little face showing! But I just don't trust some internet crazies! :)

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Wednesday, October 6, 2010

"BOO!" Your Neighbors!

My friend Kim in Virginia got the cutest little gift from one of her neighbors! It was a "boo"basket complete with a sign for her door letting everyone know she and her husband had been boo'ed and a little poem explaining the game (you have 2 days to make 2 baskets and print outs and leave them for your neighbors). It's too cute, so my son and I started it in our little town! :) Here are our 2 baskets we made: They have little Halloween signs and candy.

Here are the signs we printed out to send with our baskets:

You can get them (and different ones) at Hope you enjoy starting one in your town!!

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Wednesday, September 22, 2010

PB Growth Chart Instructions

A couple people expressed interest in a tutorial on how I made my growth chart. It's super easy, and I can't actually do a tutorial since I already finished mine, but here are some instructions.

You'll need a 6 ft piece of 1x10. You can get a precut piece at Lowes. Mine was 9.00. You'll also need a black paint pen. I imagine that a sharpie would probably work, too, but I used a paint pen to be sure.

I found a board that was straight and even, and looked good (actually my parents did, to be honest, cause they picked it up for me). Try to find one that doesn't have a stamp on the side you want to use. It was a pain to get that stamp off. I had to sand it down till it was gone. That took awhile.

Then I just laid it out and took a tape measure and made small marks every inch. After that I used a ruler to make the marks long lines- I put a 4 in line at every 12 inches (a foot) and then at the 1/2 foot marks I used a 3 in line and at the 1/4 foot marks a 2 in line and every other mark (an inch) I used a one inch line. That is confusing but if you look at the picture it will make more sense.

I printed out the numbers 1-6 on the computer using a font that I thought looked most like a ruler (I used a ruler for comparison) then I transferred the numbers with carbon paper. I just used the black paint pen to trace the lines and to color in the numbers and I was done. I plan on covering it with a clear varnish, but that is for another day! :)

Also, just an FYI, start at what you want to be the bottom of your board/ruler when you mark off your inch marks, since most of the 6 ft boards will be a little longer and you want the additional space at the top, so that your measurements are correct (I learned that the hard way...) In other words, I should have been working from left to right as opposed to the other way.

Good luck! I'd love to see anything anyone makes!

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Saturday, September 18, 2010

PB Growth Chart Knockoff

100 years ago (which was also the last time I blogged) I saw this PB Kids growth chart and loved it. Of course, it was 100.00. Seriously. I was not about to pay that because I could clearly *easily* make it. So I added it to my mental list and never got around to it.... Till tonight!
Here, my friends (if there are any of you left out there), is my version:

And in its home in the basement play room... I can't wait to measure my son and add a cute picture! All in all it cost me a whopping 10.00. I think that's a far cry better than the PB price, no?

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Thursday, August 19, 2010

Hooray for Pencil Pouches

I saw these adorable little pouches on someone's page and I can't for the life of me find the bookmark. I know I saved it- I even commented on the post. So if this is your idea I stole, please tell me so I can give you credit. There is a similar one on Skip to My Lou, also. Anyway, I really REALLY wanted a reason to make them because they are so cute(!) so I was excited when I saw that my son needed one for preschool! Then I needed to make one for a little girl who's pants I was hemming (always try to do a little extra something...) and for a friend of mine who is having a tough time right now. Anyway, here they are:
Complete with new little side CNYI tags I made today :)
My son's dinosaur pouch:
I asked him which dinosaur he liked best from the fabric (secretly hoping he wouldn't pick green, since it was the same color as the lining, and of course he chose green.)
My friend's:
With a bible verse I found on Skip to My Lou when I was looking for the pouch tutorial I lost.
And the one for the little girl: Okay, so this is before I had to redo the entire thing because there is an "h" in her name. I'm not completely dumb- I figured an "h" was normal, but they usually call her "Vanna" without an h so I figured it was H-less. I figured wrong. But it's fixed now.
Till next time...

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