Monday, December 27, 2010

Memory Quilts

My grandma passed away a year ago this December, so I talked to my aunt about using her sweat shirts to make her children memory quilts. She helped me get them ready and cut into squares and I made 5 quilts for Christmas presents. I am very proud of them, since they are the first real quilts I have ever made (I have done rag time ones, but these are my first that had to actually line up) I even hand sewed the binding on the back of the quilts, so that was another first. Here they are:

I made tags for the back of each quilt:
I used flannel sheets my aunt gave me for the backing of the quilts, so that made it a lot more cost effective
I think they turned out well and everyone seemed to really appreciate them.

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  1. Great idea and a nice way to remember her!

  2. Such a neat idea! I'm sure your family will cherish those quilts forever!
