Saturday, September 18, 2010

PB Growth Chart Knockoff

100 years ago (which was also the last time I blogged) I saw this PB Kids growth chart and loved it. Of course, it was 100.00. Seriously. I was not about to pay that because I could clearly *easily* make it. So I added it to my mental list and never got around to it.... Till tonight!
Here, my friends (if there are any of you left out there), is my version:

And in its home in the basement play room... I can't wait to measure my son and add a cute picture! All in all it cost me a whopping 10.00. I think that's a far cry better than the PB price, no?

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Linked to some/all of these great linky parties


  1. It's adorable! Nice work :)
    I love PB stuff, but the prices... whoa, nelly!

  2. Would love a tutorial on how you accomplished this masterpiece!! It is adorable and thanks for sharing!

  3. My daughter has asked me for a growth chart for my grandson, I was dreading having to make it out of felt (the only way I knew how to make one) and then I saw yours, adorable. Will you be doing a tutorial or printed instructions?

  4. This was one of my favorite projects from last week's Mad Skills party, and I will be featuring it on my blog this morning!

  5. A growth chart is one of the many projects on my list. I love the ruler idea. So simple, just so adorable. And my favorite part are the photos used as place markers.

  6. Very cool! I love this idea. Our growth chart growing up was plastic/vinyl, and was flimsy. You had to hang it up a little off the ground. This is so cool. A gigantic ruler! Genius!

    Stopping by from Night Owl Crafting :)

  7. I LOVE this! I want one so bad. I see all of these super cute growth charts and they are super little kid or just you can't change the theme. This is great. Thanks for linking up to Tuesday Tell All!
