Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Cabinet/Shelving Makeover

Blogger is allowing me to upload photos today (isn't that nice?) so here are the shelves my aunt and uncle gave me: (I didn't have any before pics with the shelves, because they were too heavy to move that way, and I didn't put them in just for before pics... sorry)
Some spots were a little rusty, so I just used a wire brush on those areas:
Then I took the hose and a bucket of soapy water to them. Washed 'em all down and left 'em in the sun to dry:
A couple coats of spray paint and some mod-podged fabric in the back and voila:
Perfect storage for toys and who knows what else!
Looks like they're working and the shelves are adjustable so that's great! There are actually 3 more shelves that could go in, but I thought these were enough for now. I'm sure they'll be loaded to capacity in no time!

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