Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Bailey's Treats

When my aunt goes away, I "Bailey-sit" (that is, I dog-sit her dog, Bailey). So this time while she was gone, I redid Bailey's treat canister. It wasn't without permission, of course- I was sort of given creative freedom. :)

I saw this post a little while ago and decided that it would be perfect for Bailey's treat container. With some minor adjustments made for the fact that it was three dimentional and not a flat card! Anyway, here was what I started with. Not a great photo, because it was about 10 pm last night and that doesn't allow for great light!
This is how it ended up!
I made homemade barbed wire with a couple strands of a little more pliable wire
I drew this skull and crossbones because I don't have that cricut cartridge!

Here it is at it's new home!
Here Bailey! What do you think?

Happy dog? I think so. :)

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  1. Love it...so cute! And so is the canister. ;)

  2. My one eyed dog would love that. He often dressed up as a pirate at Halloween.

  3. I now follow you and by the way "AWESOME" blog... I will have to attempt a few of your projects!!!

    Check out my blog... I am new to the blog world.
