Saturday, April 24, 2010

Lots to catch up!

Well, I've been a little out of the blogging loop. I guess I've been online a lot, but mostly looking at other blogs instead of catching up on mine. I have lots of pictures that I need to upload, and I think I'll just get most of them up in this post. I've been doing a little less crafting because I had thyroid surgery Monday and although it's been an easy recovery, I've been laying around and not doing much.

Anyway, here are the things I have been doing:
A friend of mine has been pretty sick, and just started back to work, so I made him a card. I think it's tough to make "guy" cards so this was my attempt at something caring, but still manly. I need to get it in the mail Monday with a bag of candy. Cause candy always helps :)

This morning, after eating a muffin and a pop tart (pop toaster for those who know us) my son decided he was still starving, and I haven't really been grocery shopping, so I dug through what we had around and we worked together to make some yummy monkey bread. It was good! It was nice because we can do it together (he rolled the dough in sugar after I cut it- he loves to help) The recipe is at the bottom of this post, but it's just a basic one, nothing too special.

I've been making jewelry tiles for a while, but haven't ever posted them on here for some reason, so I made an order of them with our mascot. Then I did up a little bottle top magnet too.

Sorry about the lighting- it was 9 pm and I don't have the greatest lighting I guess!

Monkey Bread
Refrigerated biscuits (I used 2 of the "Large" biscuits)
1/2 c sugar
1 tbsp cinnamon
1/2 c butter
1 c packed brown sugar
1/2 c pecans

Preheat oven to 350*
Spray a bundt cake pan with oil and add pecans (I didn't add them all, because I layered them with the biscuits)
Mix sugar and cinnamon in a bowl
Cut biscuits in quarters and roll in cinnamon sugar mixture then place in cake pan. I'd add some then add more nuts.
Then melt the butter in the microwave and add the brown sugar.
Pour over the top and bake for about 35 minutes till done.
Cool for about 10 minutes and flip over onto a plate and enjoy!

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1 comment:

  1. I absolutely LOVE monkey bread! It was always such a treat when my mom would make some...I need to do that for my crew soon! :)

    Thanks so much for stopping by my blog earlier to comment on my metal flower tutorial! It was aluminum sheet metal I used for the flowers.
