Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Custom Jars

I made these cute little jars the other day, inspired by Martha's etched jars. I just felt like I wanted something I could change when I wanted to, so I added my own little twist.

Then I made one for my aunt, who needed a little space to save some tax money! Her's isn't changable since she isn't allowed to use it for anything but taxes! :)
I started with this jar:
Then used Metallic spray paint to make the lid pretty

2 coats did the trick.

While that was drying, I used goo gone (wonderful!) to get the gunky stuff off the jar
Then I taped off a square that I wanted to spray with chalkboard paint and painted it with 2 coats of chalkboard paint

After it was dry, I thought it was a little boring:
So I added an etched design above and below the chalkboard area.
I just made a little design on contact paper and put it on the jar, then cut the design out with an x-acto knife
Apply armor etch generously and let it sit for 10 or 15 min. I have seen where many people say to remove it after 5 minutes and reapply, but I found that it makes no difference if you take it off and reapply, but sometimes I ended up moving a bit of the contact paper and ruining my design, so now I just leave it on the entire time.
Be sure that your etching creme doesn't run-

(While you're waiting 15 mintues for it to etch, you can make another craft- that's what I did! I will post it later)
Rinse the armor etch off in the sink:

Remove the contact paper and you're done!

Then there is the version with just the etching- I just used scotch tape and contact paper. I think they turned out pretty cute!

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BWS tips button

Organize and Decorate Everything

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

A "crafter" AND a "fixer"! :)

A couple weeks ago a little hook fell off of the side of my desk. My son promptly wanted to call Papaw so they (he loves to help) could fix it. I told him that I could fix it and we didn't need to call Papaw. He responded (ever so seriously) "Mommy, you're a crafter- not a fixer! Papaw is a fixer!"

However, my parents are vacationing in Hawaii (lucky them) so I actually had no choice last night but to fix my toilet! It has been slowly leaking and refilling for a while but it did it so rarely I wasn't very worried about it. That is until the night before last when it started doing it every minute or so. It was driving me crazy (it's the bathroom in my bedroom) so I shut off the water supply to it and when I got a chance yesterday I replaced the flapper. Yup. It took about 2 seconds. I was pretty proud of myself. Especially since I think I'm certainly a fixer now :) I was going to take pictures, but I mean, who really wants to look at a toilet?!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

St Patty's Day

At St Patty's day I let my son decorate a box that we then "place in the moonlight so the leprechauns will hide their treasure in it" (That's how it works after all!). In my mind it's a shiny blingy box but he chose otherwise, so here is his box: (my aunt helped with 2 sides when he got bored)

Now tonight while he's sleeping, the leprechauns will come and leave their treasure in his treasure box. They also leave little green footprints where ever they walk, and unfortunately they drag toys out and don't put them up!!! (no pics of the mess yet incase he wakes up through the night UPDATE-- Pictures are below)

Here is the treasure: (milk chocolate gold coins and a new t-shirt for his school party)

Just a little something fun that he will always remember!

UPDATE: Here are the messy pictures.

Happy St Patty's day everyone!
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Thursday, March 11, 2010

Wooden Nickle Magnets

I made these cute little magnets last week. I saw them somewhere, but I honestly do not remember where. Here is how I did it.

I took a bag of these wooden nickles from Hobby Lobby:

I cut some circles from coordinating scrapbook paper (I made 2 sets of 3 magnets) on my (okay, really my mom's) cricut. I think I cut them 1 1/4 in.

Apply ModPodge. I used the Matte finish, but there are several options.

Et voila! Let them dry and glue a superstrong button magnet on the back with E6000- ready to go!

I couldn't figure out why my pictures looked overexposed, but my camera settings were changed. Oops!

I think a set of the green ones would be very cute with the letters S P R I N G mod podged onto them! I also think it'd be a cute way to use kid's artwork!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Coupon Organizer

Here is a little coupon organizer I made for my friend's birthday that is coming up Friday!
I made one for my cousin's birthday yesterday but I tweeked this one a little.

Here are the supplies you'll need if you want to make one: 2 coordinating matierials, some thin cardboard (like from a cereal box or frozen pizza), fusible fleece, and a file folder (for the little folders inside)

I cut the fabric the size of a normal printer paper- cut one of the main fabric, one of the lining and one of fusible fleece.
Then cut 4 triangles that will be used for the sides of the organizer.
Apply the fusible fleece to the wrong side of the main fabric.
Put the fabrics together to see where the velcro should go, and mark both sides.

Cut a piece of cardboard a little smaller than the paper since it will be inside the sewed pieces.

Sew the velcro on the main fabric and the lining material where you marked earlier.

Place the fabrics right side together with the velcro ends opposite each other and sew 3 sides closed.

Turn the piece right side out and place the cardboard inside (which sounds easier than it was!) be sure it's snug since it won't look too great if it's baggy.

Fold the top edge in and sew closed.

Sew the triangles together, leaving an opening at the top to turn them right side out.

Turn right side out and fold the top in and sew closed

Placing the tip of the triangle in the corner of the bottom of the organizer, sew up the side (that is a little hard to explain but hopefully the photo helps)

Fold the organizer and sew up the other side of the triangle (this was a little tough with the cardboard)

Here is the finished side:

I made a template with printer paper for cards to put inside to organize the coupons then I traced them onto a file folder I had and cut them out (I only made 6 dividers since that was what fit onto the folder)

Here is the finished organizer!

With the dividers:

And again:
I hope my friend likes it!

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